Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A clock with a difference

Image above: The Poodwaddle clock interface.

Sites related to GeogSplace 
Spatialworlds blog
Australian Geography Teachers' Association website sites for the class


Poodwaddle is an excellent resource to highlight the dynamic nature of statistics (and to question the origin of and veracity of data). There are many such population clocks available on the Internet but this clock does a little more than most. It breaks much of the data into regions and various categories and shows more than just population. The clock also counts mortality, crime, illness, environment, energy, food, economics and even happy things like 'first kisses' in real time. The site also hosts a life expectancy test to personalise the data. Obviously questions arise on the reliability of the data but the clock provides a great entry or teaching point on demography and diversity around the world.

Population diversity across the globe

Sites related to GeogSplace 
Spatialworlds blog
Australian Geography Teachers' Association website sites for the class

Three really good sites to show the dynamics of population structures and flows

* Migration flows
This interactive migration map allows you to see for every country in the world either the top ten providing countries of lifetime migrants or the top ten receiving countries of lifetime migrants. On top of that, when you let your mouse hover over a country, you can see the total population, the GDP per capita, the HIV and Tuberculosis prevalences and the death rate of children under five.

* Population pyramids
This interactive site enables you to see the age-sex pyramids for every country in the world. A great resource for comparison across the globe and awareness of diversity in age-sex structures between countries. The pyramids raise many question as to why they are the shape they are. The pyramids also go back in time and project forward - fascinating.

* World population data interactive map from the Population Reference Bureau. This site provides excellent data updates in tabular form, as well as a user friendly interactive data map for every region and country in the world. 

* CIA World Fact Book
Whilst this site is not a visualisation, it does provide plenty of world data that would support the above population visualisations.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Population starters

This posting provides you with some sites to get you thinking about population as described in the Geography curriculum (from the SACE document):

This topic introduces students to the key factors that influence human interactions with the natural environment, including population pressure and the level of consumption. Students begin to understand global, national, and local population patterns and trends, and the factors involved in population change. Throughout this topic, students investigate contemporary population issues, using local, national, and global examples.
Key Areas for Investigation
Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the following key areas, which are developed using local, national, and global examples.

World Population

·   The broad global distribution of the human population and examples to illustrate the interrelated factors that influence this distribution (e.g. environment, history, resources, culture, and politics)

·   Global population trends

The Processes of Population Change

·   Crude birth rates and the economic and sociocultural factors that influence fertility

·   Crude death rates and the economic and sociocultural factors that influence mortality

·   The push-and-pull factors that influence the migration of people

·   The characteristics and interpretation of population pyramids

·   The demographic transition model and its limitations

·   Examples of trends in population change in economically developed countries and in economically less-developed countries

Issues Arising from Changes in the Composition of Populations and the Movement of People

·   The social, economic, and political implications of changes in the composition of populations

   a case study of a country with a young and expanding population

   a case study of a country with an ageing population

·   Case studies to illustrate the social, economic, and political implications that movements of people between countries have for both the country of destination and the country of origin

Now have a look at these videos/sites, containing, information, conflicting perspectives and ideas.

* World population clock

* Stable population
* Population

* 7 Billion: National geographic

* World population

* World population growth

* Population growth

* 2.1 kids

* The science of overpopulation

* Population and poverty

* A personal view

* Another view

* Suzuki on overpopulation

* Demographic Transition model

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The power of GIS

Modern geography with GIS
Now that we have played with the basics of mapping (grid references, legends, scale, lat/long, topography, contours, site, situation, directions and bearings) it is time to use what all modern geographers use in their work: geographical information systems.

A GIS starter
Work through the GIS focus section on Map Zone (from the UK Ordnance Survey).  This will get you a good background to the nature and use of GIS

What is GIS? from ESRI. ESRI is the software we will use in class. It is called GIS map 10.1. On the GIS site go through the Overview section on:
  • What is GIS?
  • What can be done with GIS?
  •  The Geographic approach?
  • GIS glossaries.

Read this page on what is GIS to give you some background on some crucial GIS terms (Vector and Raster).

Who uses GIS? 
GIS is often associated with making maps, but GIS professionals do much more than that. GIS is used to manage human activities. GIS professionals visualize, analyze, and model our world to help organizations make informed decisions.

Watch some of the videos on jobs using GIS

Now go back to the Map Zone site and have a go at two of the GIS Missions on:
  • Flood damage control
  • Wind power location
  • Control and command
  • Shopping for profit
  • Farm management
  • Crime stopper
You should now have some background on the nature of GIS, its application and who uses it.